ApS's personal data policy ApS processes personal information about processes personal information about users of our website, employees of ApS and our customers. We protect the personal data and follow the applicable law always to protect the personal data that we process.
In all cases, it is our goal to maintain a high level of protection of personal data.
Changes in the personal data policy can be seen at
How we protect personal information ApS processes personal information legally, reasonably and in a transparent manner.
We have therefore taken appropriate technical and organizational measures so that personal information is always protected against, for example, loss, tampering and unauthorized access. We continuously adjust our security to keep pace with technological developments.
What personal information do we process? ApS only processes personal information when we have processing authority for it. ApS processes ordinary personal data, CPR Numbers.
To further protect us against the disclosure of personal information, all employees of ApS are subject to a duty of confidentiality. This means that we do not unjustifiably pass on or use confidential information that comes to our knowledge through our work.
When do we pass on personal information? ApS never passes on personal information to external (i.e., to third parties) without the data subject's consent, unless there is legal evidence to that effect, or we are required to do so by a court.
To further protect us against the disclosure of personal information, all employees of ApS are subject to a duty of confidentiality. This means that we do not unjustifiably pass on or use confidential information that comes to our knowledge through our work.
Securing third party treatment ApS can use data processors outside ApS. External data processors only process personal information on behalf of ApS for the specific purposes for which the information was originally collected, and only on instructions from ApS. We have several minimum-security requirements for the protection of personal data, which ApS's data processors must always meet.
As a starting point, ApS does not transfer personal information to countries outside the EU and the EEA, but if it is necessary for us to fulfill a legal or a contractual obligation to a ApS, it can take place. In such cases, ApS enters into data processing agreements with these subcontractors in accordance with EU / EEA rules to ensure a high level of protection. The agreements ensure that the subcontractors' processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the applicable EU / EEA rules on data protection. The terms and conditions of the agreements always meet the requirements of the European Commission and the applicable data protection legislation.
Rights of the data subject
The right to receive information about the processing of his personal data (duty to provide information).
The right to have access to one's personal data (right of access)
The right to have incorrect personal data corrected (right of rectification)
The right to have one's personal data deleted (deleted - "right to be forgotten")
The right to object to the processing of personal data (right to object)
The right to object to automatic individual decisions, including profiling - Not applicable
The right to move your personal data (data portability) - Does not apply
If data has been collected for other reasons but with written consent, this consent can always be revoked (which will appear from the consent statement). You have the right to access, change and delete the personal information that we have registered and process about you.
If you wish to exercise your rights, please write to ApS, Rantzausmindevej 224, 57000 Svendborg,
Make use of your rights:
If you wish to exercise your rights, please write to ApS, Havnegade 3, 1.sal, 5700 Svendborg,
You can expect to hear from us within 30 days of receiving your inquiry.
In response to your inquiry, we will inform you of what information we may delete immediately and what information we are required to store by law.
How to complain
If you wish to complain about the way we process information about you, you must write to the person responsible for the complaint:
Att.: The person responsible for complaints, ApS, Havnegade 3, 1. sal, 5700 Svendborg,
If your inquiry is not met, you can write to: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, DK-1300 København K.